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Who’s dancing with a colored “chain” in the sky fire-lit- Yao Qin, Chairman of Jiangsu Feiliks International Logistics Co., Ltd

In October 2022, Modern Logistics Network (https://www.xd56b.com), the official website of the modern logistics newspaper directed by China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, published the article titled “Who’s dancing with a colored ‘chain’ in the sky fire-lit”. The article reported how Yao Qin, the chairman of Jiangsu Feiliks International Logistics Co., Ltd., has led Feiliks to gradually realize the integration of the logistics industry’s ecological chain in the past 30 years.

As a long-listed national 5A class logistics enterprise, Feliks endeavors to become the technology-driven expert of management of intelligent supply chain, setting it as its strategic goal, and keeps transforming and upgrading logistics technology and promoting intelligent transformation. It constantly improves the company’s internationalization capability, exports China’s mature supply chain management experience to the outside world, and goes abroad with China’s industrial chain.

People’s Daily, Toutiao.com, Ifeng.com, Sohu, Netease, Baijiahao.com and other media reported or reproduced the article.

Click the link to see more details:https://www.xd56b.com/home/renwu/2022/1027/17092.html

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